Connecting Cultures Outreach Services
Outreach services are critical to ensure appropriate and responsive community-based care for re-settled refugees and survivors of torture. These services include meetings with community leaders, meetings with stakeholders, and focus groups to determine future programming.
Direct Training for Connecting Cultures Service Providers
Connecting Cultures offers numerous internal trainings within all domains. Our internal trainings include a focus on mental health clinicians and social work interns who provide direct services for survivors of torture within the Connecting Cultures program. An added training focus is for law students, attorneys, accredited representatives, and other social service providers delivering direct legal services through the Vermont Immigration Assistance (VIA) Project of the Vermont Law School. During individual and group supervision, Connecting Cultures supervisors meet with staff to discuss assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment/service approach for survivors with whom we work.
External Education Training and Training Provided by Connecting Cultures Staff
Connecting Cultures offers various external community trainings for a variety of professions whose work includes serving individuals and families from re-settled communities. Some recent trainings conducted include:
Introduction to the Chronic Traumatic Stress (CTS) Framework and CTS-Treatment
Cultural Perspectives on Mental Health and Illness
Cultural Adaptations to Evidence Based Practice
Working with Interpreters
Trauma Informed Systems of Care