Karen Fondacaro, Ph.D.
Director of Connecting Cultures

Timothy Stickle, Ph.D.
Associate Director/
Director of Program Evaluation

Director of Medical Services
Andrea Green, M.D.C.M. F.A.A.P.

Lauren Dewey, Ph.D.
Director of Youth Services

Justine Dee, P.T.
Director of
Physical Therapy

Rosalie Wright-Lapin, M.S.W.
Director of
Social Work

Smita Lahoti, M.D.
Director of Psychiatry

Krista Reincke, Psy.D
University of Vermont Pre-Doctoral Clinicians

Kelly Nguyen, M.A.
Aya Cheaito, M.A.
Brandon Wyatt, M.A.

Rachel Gehman, M.A.

Rhiannon Wiley, M.A.

Vanessa Ramirez, M.A.

Johanna Hidalgo, M.A.

Hannah Scott, M.A.

Richard Norton, M.A.

Janine Cerutti, M.A.

Nathan Moxley-Kelly, M.A.

Casey Buck, M.A.

Psychology Interns
Jorge Alfredo Arevalo Franco, B.S.

Arima Minard, M.A.

Maya Jamaleddine, M.A.
Pre-licensed clinical mental health counselor
Social Work Interns
Phoebe Lewis, M.S.
Doctoral student at Antioch University
Gabriela Heermans, B.A.
Master’s student at Northern Vermont University

Lucas Kovacevich, M.S.W.
Emma Caskey, B.A.